The summer solstice is here! I don’t know about you, but I love the summer — the warmer weather, the longer days, and all that wonderful produce that hits the market! The season welcomes a healthy lifestyle. Some might say it is the perfect time to set some goals that will support your health and wellness. After all, you are sure to hit the mark! Here are a few ideas to boost your vitality this summer.

Take a daily walk (outside). With the nicer weather, there is no excuse to not step out. Movement is essential to our health in ways beyond the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal benefit. For instance, taking a walk after a meal improves insulin sensitivity, meaning your body metabolizes the carbs in the meal more effectively. In fact, one study found that participants who walked for 10 minutes after each meal, had average blood sugar levels 12% lower than those who took a single 30-minute walk at another time of the day. This is a simple, and easy tool to use to help your body metabolize carbohydrates. Walking first thing in the morning is also beneficial. In fact, getting exposure to sunlight in the morning is one way to improve alertness and energy, set your circadian rhythm, and can even help you fall asleep at night. Lastly, if you haven’t tried counting steps, you might give it a go. Wearing a tracking device, like a Fitbit, can be a fun and great way to bolster motivation for adding steps to your day.

Stick to a set bedtime. With the longer days it can be so easy to stay up later, and even use those hours for higher energy activities. As tempting as it is, you still need to go to bed on time. Try to get your seven to nine hours of sleep each night. I don’t know about you, but I have a harder time sleeping with the early morning light. Using a sleep mask can be helpful tool for blocking out light. I have been using the Manta Sleep Mask, and I have to say, I do like it and can’t sleep without it. If you have been wanting to try a sleep mask, you can get one for 15% off here. Manta is based out of Millcreek, Washington.

Aim for ten servings of fruits and vegetables per day while eating at least twice, if not three times, as many vegetables as fruit. By shopping for local produce, you are getting a fresher product which also means higher nutrient content. Did you know that spinach can lose half of its folate over long-distance shipment – basically California to your dinner plate? Growing your own vegetables is even better. Have you ever noticed how much better it tastes?

Get your vitamin D. While I don’t recommend sunbathing, getting some sunlight on your skin during the summer months helps your body restore it’s vitamin D levels, which can be depleted after the winter. Most experts recommend 10 – 20 minutes of sunlight per day on your arms and legs to obtain the necessary vitamin D your body needs. Less time for the fair skinned, and a little more time for darker skinned individuals or the elderly who have a harder time making vitamin D. You can also supplement with 2,000 – 5,000IU per day to ensure you are getting your daily dose. This is what I do. It is easy, and I am assured that I am taking a dose that keeps my blood serum levels in an optimal range – right around 50 – 60 ng/mL. Taking a vitamin D supplement is a good idea if you are inside most of the day, and/or wear sunscreen.

Hydrate. It can seem much easier to drink your water during the summer months. If you have a hard time getting your water in, this is a great time to train your body to crave it. It is recommended to drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. So, if you weight 150 pounds, that is 75 ounces per day. This is a rule of thumb. If you have more muscle, then you will need more water. Also if you are outside expending energy and sweating, you will need more water. Flavor your water with slices of fruit or cucumber. Make an herbal ice tea, which also counts as water. Being properly hydrated improves so many metabolic functions in the body – it will boost your energy, revive your skin, and help keep you regular too.

I’d love to hear what activities and goals you have in mind to take your health to the next level this summer. Post below and share what you are doing!

In Health,

Shana Hopkins