Ah, the season is upon us. Festive parties, libation, and holiday meals. While the average person probably doesn’t gain five pounds during the holiday season (this fact is slightly overstated), many individuals can be at risk for gaining two to three pounds. Without making a conscious effort to eat healthfully over the season; come January, clothes will be tighter and those couple of pounds are a dread to take off. In fact, I get super excited when my clients decide to actually lose weight during the holiday season, because it puts them in a mindset of saying ‘no’ to all of those treats. And if you have ever worked with me, you know I will say the most important organ for fat loss is your brain – because mindset is HUGE.

Here are some tips to keep you on track this season to maintain your weight or even lose! And by following these tips, you will actually feel better and more energetic because you won’t be overburdening your digestive track with calorie laden foods.

Eat before you go to that social event. That way you are not overly hungry and can control the amount of food you eat. Unconscious eating goes right along with overeating which is easy to do when you are distracted with socializing. Also, to be honest, it can be plain hard to ‘just have one’. But if you aren’t hungry, it’s a lot easier to avoid that first bite.

Stop taste testing that cookie dough. Is there a special recipe full of sugar and butter that you just have to make because it is tradition? Well, go for it, but stay out of the dough! Better yet, if there is a cookie recipe you don’t particularly like, but you know others do, make it instead. Even better? Create a new tradition with a healthier recipe. Lastly, freeze those extra goodies to keep them off the kitchen counter.

Manage the alcohol. Set a limit for yourself before you go out, and stick to it. Wait to have your first alcoholic drink with the meal. Then have a glass of water between alcoholic drinks. This helps to slow you down, and hydrate your body. Stay away from fancy cocktails that have lots added sugar. Stick to wine, or even make a wine spritzer which helps to dilute the alcohol.

Focus on socializing. Make the focus of the night engaging in conversation. If you are talking, you can’t be eating – well hopefully.

Write it down. Studies show that keeping a food diary is instrumental in keeping the pounds off. After all, it makes you accountable to yourself. And when you have to write it down, you think twice about going in for second helpings.

Take a healthy dish to a party or dinner. This way you at least have something you can fill your plate with, if the other choices are less than healthy.

Pick your sinful treat. Don’t deprive yourself. Decide ahead of time what the one thing you really want. Is it a small slice of decadent dessert? A cheese course? An extra glass of wine? Then enjoy it, and be festive!

Get back on track at the very next meal. The problem with the holidays is it is too easy to “let go” and wait until January to get focused. Having one large, heavy meal isn’t going to cause a significant weight gain. What does is when one meal turns into two, three, and four. All of the sudden it is January, and ugh, you are working on the extra pounds.

I hope you are able to use these tips while enjoying the bounty of the season. Wishing you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!
