A New “Dirty Dozen” List is Out, Revealing the Most Pesticide Laden Produce

I encourage my clients to eat organic foods as much as possible, but sometimes that isn’t always realistic. That is why knowing which produce carries the most pesticides, and which holds the least can be very helpful when you are navigating the produce section of your local grocery store. Every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) puts out a list of the produce that is contaminated with the most pesticide residues, called the “Dirty Dozen”, as well as the least amount of pesticide residues, called the “Clean Fifteen”. The EWG has just released new data for this year and strawberries top the list of produce with the highest level [...]

Foods you think are healthy, may not be after all.

There are many foods out there lurking in supermarket aisles, that can be perceived as healthy, but truly are not. And even those individuals with the healthiest of lifestyles and best of intentions can fall prey to these foods. Case in point, we can all remember eating margarine, right? Here are some foods that can be disguised as healthy, but may need a closer look. Cereals Have you seen the sheer volume of cereals available at your local supermarket? This is one grocery store product that a majority of people perceive as healthy. But frankly, even those cereals that look healthy on the box or in your [...]

Is the Fruit You’re Eating a Sugar Bomb?

Fruit is good for you, right? Well… “yes” it is, however, the answer is a little bit more complex due to the sugar content of fruit. This is especially true for individuals who are trying to monitor their sugar intake and keep it down, which is probably most of you. See, fruit isn’t what it used to be. It has been hybridized over the years to get bigger, sweeter, and blemish free. Because fruit has been bred to be bigger it’s important to watch your serving sizes. The average apple in your produce section today is 3 ½ inches wide and contains 30 grams of carbohydrate. A [...]

Nutrition for your Skin

When it comes to maintaining youthful and vibrant skin, what do you think about? Perhaps avoiding the sun, and dosing up on UV protection with sunblock? This is a great start, but you can also do a lot through your nutrition to nurture healthy and vibrant skin. Let’s take a look at some key strategies for protecting this important organ. Being well hydrated is probably one of the simplest, yet most important things you can do for healthy skin. Water plumps up the skin, helps to rid the body of waste products, and ensures proper cell metabolism. I suggest drinking filtered water, whenever possible. For most adults, [...]

Does it Matter How Frequently You Weigh Yourself?

I have worked with hundreds of clients over the years and I would say over ninety percent of them have weight loss goals. Most, but not all of them, have a habit of weighing themselves either at home or at the gym. The regularity of this self-weighing, however, varies drastically from one person to the next. A lot of the time they will use our visits as their “weigh-in”. This can be of great advantage to them, because knowing they have an upcoming consult with me produces accountability and jumping on the scale in front of me can provide the motivation they need to stay on track the [...]

My Go-To Foods for Fiber

Current fiber intakes are alarmingly low. Did you know that over 90% of adults fall short of meeting their daily fiber recommendation, which is 38 grams for men and 25 grams for women? The average American adult takes in about 15 grams per day. Yikes! But fiber is so important for overall health, and helps to manage or reduce the incidence of many health issues. For instance, it is known that fiber lowers the bad LDL cholesterol as well as blood pressure. It lowers blood glucose and decreases insulin resistance in people with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. It also helps with both weight loss and maintenance, [...]

Boost your Metabolism Naturally

I am guessing you might be working hard at eating more healthfully and taking your exercise up a notch with the New Year. Unfortunately, as we get older, it takes a more concerted effort to lose body fat. Those splurges you had over the holidays may be harder to take off this January than they were twenty or even ten years ago. That is why finding ways to naturally boost your metabolism are super important. Let’s take a look at some of these methods that can enhance metabolism. Strength Training – my favorite, and probably the most effective way to boost metabolism is with strength training. Using [...]

Roasted Beet Hummus

With the New Year under way, you might be looking for ways to eat healthier and amp up your veggie intake. Hummus is a wonderful enticer for just that, but let’s face it, you might be slightly bored with it. Well, no more. Here is a recipe for Roasted Beet Hummus. Not only is it pretty, it is oh so yummy. The addition of the beet adds a slight smoky flavor, and a beautiful color. Beets are especially nourishing for the liver, so if you are planning on doing a detox this New Year, this would be a perfect addition to the menu! 1 medium beet 1 [...]

Immune Boosting Tips for the Winter

I can’t help but think of germs when I am riding a crowded city bus in the winter -- people crammed together in the aisles, windows closed due to the increasingly colder temperatures, and the last time I checked they weren’t filtering the air. This is the season to take extra precautions and boost your immunity to ward off unwanted bacterial and viral “guests”. My favorite immune boosting food is garlic. Garlic has been used as a medicine and health-promoter for 5,000 years. And, there have been at least 1,200 pharmacological studies done on garlic’s health giving properties. Doubling the amount called for in a recipe is [...]

Nurturing Mindfulness to Manage Holiday Food Overload

In the rush of the holiday season, it is easy to get caught up in social activities with the swoon of party food, treats, and candy. While sticking to your normal healthy eating routine might seem like a huge challenge, simply implementing mindfulness techniques can go far in managing this stressful, but food-filled time of year. In fact, the simple act of eating more mindfully is a powerful tool in your arsenal to stay fit and trim. For instance, did you now that the number of times you chew your food can affect your blood sugar levels, and ultimately your waistline? It has been shown that fast [...]

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